First Baptist Church

We worship God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, depending on the Holy Spirit, and encouragement of Christian friends. Our spiritual journey is a work in progress. We worship and study the Bible together while serving on ministry teams to enrich our church and support our community.
Where is the Church located?
Where is the Church located?
First Baptist Church is located at 1605 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87505. If you are using Interstate 25, take the 284 exit and go north on Old Pecos Trail. The church is on the right in about two miles. If you are coming from the city on Old Pecos Trail, look for us on the East side of the road between East Cordova Rd. and St. Michael’s Dr.
Where do I park ?
Where do I park ?
Park on the East side of the Bell Tower building. Two double door entrances face the parking lot.
What should I wear?
What should I wear?
Dress is usually nice casual. Come as you are. You will see blue jeans and suits.
How do I find a Connection Group or the Worship Center?
Ask a Greeter located at the double door entrances.
What can I expect in a Connection Group?
Kids' Worship is for ages 4-11 - kids will be dismissed from church before the sermon begins. Teens have their own group that meets on Wednesday evenings. Adults can pick a group based on what the class is studying. Groups are very user friendly. Enter discussion at your choosing. You will not be called upon to pray, read, or share, but your contributions are always welcome. Groups are for Bible study, encouragement and ministry.
What can I expect during the worship service?
A greeter will give you a handout that will provide information. Leaders will make it easy for you to
know how to participate where you are comfortable. Words to the music are on the overhead screen,
if you choose to sing with the congregation. The handout provides space for you to take notes
on the morning message.
Where can my kids go during worship
We love kids here at First Baptist Church and they are always welcome in worship! Children ages 4-11 are invited to Kids' Worship following singing and before the message. A leader will announce the time for children to be dismissed to Kids' Worship. Please escort your child to the Kids Corner for Check-in & Check-out.
On Communion Sundays (usually the 3rd Sunday each month), families have the opportunity to share worship together. Kids will be invited to a special time called "Pastor’s Pals" and learn to listen to the sermon with a fun worship bag designed just for them!
What about the offering?
The offering is for members, regular attendees, and anyone who wants to honor God in giving. You are our guest. Please do not feel obligated to contribute.
How can I get more information?
Ask a greeter at the front doors of the church building.
Drop by the “Connect Table” inside the church foyer.
Complete a Connect Card (inside your bulletin or on the Welcome Page of our website).