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How to set up your online giving:

  1. If this is your first time using our online giving option, click on the "Give Now" button below.

  2. Click on "Sign Up" located in the upper right hand corner.

  3. Select "Create Account" â€‹

  4. Enter your first name, last name and your email address.

  5. Create a password and four digit pin, click "Submit".

  6. Once you’ve created your account go to the box in the upper left (three lines) to add your payment method.

  7. You can choose to make a one-time gift or a recurring gift. You may also choose to cover the processing fee if you would like by clicking in the cover fees checkbox.

  8. Search for First Baptist Church Santa Fe – once you’ve done that it should appear each time you open the app.


You can also download the free app on your phone. 

Search for in your app store!


Monday - Friday  I  8:30 am - 4:00 PM


Sunday Service  I  10:30 am - 12:00 PM


Wednesday Prayer Meeting  I  5:45 PM


Connection Groups  I  Click on the Ministries

Tab for the available topics & days/times


©2023 First Baptist Church of Santa Fe


Tel. 505-983-9141
1605 Old Pecos Trail
Santa Fe, NM 87505

  • Facebook - White Circle
  • FBC Santa Fe YouTube
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