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Kids Ministry

"That the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments;"


Psalm 78:6-7

VBS Volunteer

"It was a blessing to watch the student's faces light up when they walked into the sanctuary each night."

VBS Parent

"Thank you so much for a great week!"

VBS student

"I loved the VBS songs!"
Watch all the fun we had at VBS this year!
click on the "Breaker rock beach" logo below

Kids connection group: 4-11 Year Olds 

Sundays 9:15AM I Room 205


We believe in partnering with parents in teaching their child(ren) to love God, His Word, the Church and His Mission. Our leaders use Brite by Awana curriculum to teach the Bible in chronological order while incorporating practical application and engaging activities for younger and older kids. In addition, Kids Connection Group offer parents an opportunity to attend an Adult Connection Group on Sunday mornings.


NURSERY: 0-3 Year Olds

Sundays 9:15AM I Room 204


Entrust your child(ren) to our loving, caring and nurturing team of volunteers! Your little ones will enjoy free play, snack time, songs, a small interactive and age appropriate Bible lesson, and have fun making a craft in a safe environment. If your child has any dietary restrictions, food allergies or other relevant information, please let our friendly Check In volunteer know. 


Kids worship: 4-11 Year Olds

Sundays 11:00AM I Room 205


We love when families worship together! During the service someone will announce when kids are dismissed to Kids Worship. You then can escort your child(ren) and follow the signs to where our friendly team will help you check in. During Kids Worship your kids will enjoy a fun game connected to the Bible lesson from The Gospel Project. Then they will use their creativity during craft time and before they know it you will be checking them out at the end of the Worship service. 



Kids Gospel Project


There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all the stories are telling one BIG Story: The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them. It takes the whole Bible to tell this Story. At the center of the Story, there is a baby. We learn that in every story of the Bible it all points to Jesus our Rescuer and Redeemer! 


The Gospel Project

The Gospel Project For Kids is available for FREE by creating an account with Lifeway. You can download their app and get started in helping your kids learn about God, His Word, His Church & His Mission! 

RightNow Media

Create a FREE account to access engaging Bible Studies on topics like parenting, marriage and more! Let your kids enjoy safe faith based TV shows like Veggie Tales, Adventures in Odyssey and more!

Family Resources

Looking for more family discipleship ideas, parenting encouragement, fun and easy activities to keep the kids busy at home, or tools for navigating this challenging time? Check out the free resource from McLean Bible Church.

Family Experiences

Find ideas to help your family create memorable and meaningful experiences together. Be intentional with living out your faith everyday of the year. We have licensed materials from Village Church for you to use for free.

Serve with us!

Want to serve in Kids Ministry? Download a background check form, fill it out, and turn it in to Pastor Chris. Then you can set up a time to be interviewed and complete the Kids Ministry training. 


Monday - Friday  I  8:30 am - 4:00 PM


Sunday Service  I  10:30 am - 12:00 PM


Wednesday Prayer Meeting  I  5:45 PM


Connection Groups  I  Click on the Ministries

Tab for the available topics & days/times


©2023 First Baptist Church of Santa Fe


Tel. 505-983-9141
1605 Old Pecos Trail
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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