First Baptist Church

Our Ministries
The Gospel of Mark is all about action. It teaches deep theology and insights about Jesus. God has given us this book in order to continue our transformation, to continue to make us more like Jesus.
Leaders: Larry Lauber & Steve Hoffman
Room: 214

Mission Organizations include teams that travel to destinations in our state or other countries to make an impact. We have an on-going relationship with work in Honduras. Baptist Women meet regularly and Adults on Mission keep us focused on representing Christ 24/7. The Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets the second Saturday of the month.

Our Worship Ministry includes our adult choir, praise team and praise band that leads our church in weekly Sunday morning worship and other special events. During special events and holidays, our children's choir also helps lead songs.
The Design team serves to assist in the staging, design and overall experience of bringing us into our times of corporate worship.

Come DISCOVER and IDENTIFY your S.H.A.P.E in the 7 week series.
Leaders: Ed Risley & Jim Foster
Room: 107
Tuesday Home Group at 7pm
Leaders: Mike & MJ Butler